
Californiaisa1995songrecordedbytheFrenchartistMylèneFarmer.Itwasthethirdsinglefromherfourthstudioalbum,Anamorphosée.,ListentoCaliforniaonSpotify.Song·MylèneFarmer·1995.,MylèneFarmerestintemporelle.Elleesttranscendante,universelle,magnétique,vaporeuse,immortelle,charnelleetpudiqueenmêmetemps,elleéveilleet ...,Farmerappearsinthemovieintworoles:asawomanofhighsociety,andasastreetprostitute.Thepart...

California (Mylène Farmer song)

California is a 1995 song recorded by the French artist Mylène Farmer. It was the third single from her fourth studio album, Anamorphosée.


Listen to California on Spotify. Song · Mylène Farmer · 1995.

Mylène Farmer - "California"

Mylène Farmer est intemporelle. Elle est transcendante, universelle, magnétique, vaporeuse, immortelle, charnelle et pudique en même temps, elle éveille et ...

Mylène Farmer

Farmer appears in the movie in two roles: as a woman of high society, and as a street prostitute. The partner of the singer in the video is an American TV ...


Mylene Farmer (瑪蓮法莫)的歌曲「California」在這裡,快打開KKBOX 盡情收聽。